Sunday, October 4, 2015

Here's to 33...

So, in just a few days I turn 33.  This next year I'm committing to my home-making.  I've always been one with a visual memory, I can remember where I put things (unless of course someone took it from wherever I left it, like my Hornets sweatshirt in middle school...or my camera) what it might be buried under or what drawer it may have been tossed in.  However, since having kids, my short term/visual memory hasn't been the greatest.  Partly because little hands have a way of hiding things in mysterious places and partly because things don't have a specific place.  I love cleaning the play room because everything has a place.  So this next year, if it doesn't have a place it gets pitched...good thing I have 365 1/4 days to work this out.  On a good note to end year 32, I found my camera!  On the shelf where the camera belongs, I swear I looked there 12 times! :)  oops!

A little lovin' from the girls to start your week...

I'm so excited!!!  Look what I found!
This is Kayla...the life of my party
No hands

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