Sunday, November 22, 2015

First Snow...

I was rather bummed this morning when I woke up and could still see the grass poking through.  It's like being a teacher all over again and they predict this huge snow storm and you're waiting for that snow day call at 5am, but it never comes.  However, it snowed most of the day and it was beautiful!  Every single tree branch was covered and we have a TON of branches around us.  So after afternoon naps were over we ventured outdoors.

You're going to let her do what?!

Don't worry mom, we got this!
Loved it!
Dad even came out for a few pulls, (what a trooper, battling the flu day 4)
Khloe thought she'd try and hitch hike a ride next time around

This is more like what it really looked like, Khloe, sit down..all the way.  Hurry, before Kayla climbs...

Too late.
Mommy and her girls!
We LOVE winter!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


That night when you finally make it to bed before 11, and check the washer to see that it still has 43+minutes to go!  Ugh!

Looks like I have a little time to update the blog.

So we've had the flu...going on day 13 tomorrow!  We were able to get out last week and enjoy the beautiful weather at the park.

She is turning into quite the little jogger!

Happy Wednesday!  (Yes, I finished the post in the morning)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My dearest Khloe...

Dear Khloe,
Someday, when you are a famous artist, please don't forget where you got your start...

Love, Mom...(and the magic eraser)

Monday, November 2, 2015

Playing Little People...

We LOVE Little People at our house!  However, playing with Kayla is like playing with Godzilla...or playing while living through a tornado...or natural disaster...or get the point.

duh-duh, I come!
Save the car Khloe, before it's too late!
Too late!  I'm here and seeking to destroy!
What's this?!  An even littler car to smash...