Tuesday, February 18, 2014

KK's Arctic Adventure

I'll be the first to admit it, cabin fever has set in!  That mixed with leaking walls, ceilings and floors....I just couldn't stand to be inside another minute.  Thankfully God sent us sunshine and 30+ degrees today!!!  Thank you Jesus!  So I loaded up the girls and trudged our way through the un-plowed streets.  Not that I'm complaining about the plowers, they have worked more than their fair share.  It just made my work out doubly difficult.  But it was a much needed refresher and I got to enjoy the beautiful creation!  So, here we go:

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Found some new clothes!!!

I have a bin of clothes for the girls that they got from grandma vj before they were even born.  She managed to find a twin mom who matched her girls...all.the.time!  Which is a bonus for me.  The problem is, is that Kenzie is in 6-9mo and Khloe is in 12-18mo.  But today, we were able to find 2 outfits that we could make them both fit into:
6 mo 3 wks old!
 I often finding myself trying to imagine what these girls would be saying if they could talk...
"hey, you think mom wants us to look at the camera?  or does she just make weird noises all the time?"

kenzie, can i pull your headband?

what's that mom, leave her alone?

just one time...come on

please, just the flower then?...NO!

you didn't have to yell, i was just asking

it's ok, i still love you.

This is the other set from today...now both covered in turkey and rice, yum!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

6 month photo op #1

So, I don't like to necessarily baby bomb my facebook page, but trust me, I posted a few of these...like 3.  But because of that, it means that you lovely people that glance at this get to see a great selection :)  Love these girls!  Especially now that they are noticing everything!  
and tip over #1...

you want us to do what?  

tip over #2...

who knew they made high waisted tutus? 

our mom is seriously crazy!

oh...there went the dog :)

what do you think we should do next?  

my khloe favorite!

you don't need that anymore, let me try it

the face of an angel
You notice there are quite a few of Khloe by herself.  I had to console Kenzie after tip #3.  I'll try again with her tomorrow.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

6 months old already!

I can't believe that these little ladies are 6 months old already!  Where has the time gone!  A few of our favorite things right now include; anything we can chew on (including toes), eating and sitting up.  Khloe loves to drop anything and everything off the counter, daddy is a sucker for picking them back up.  She also loves being tossed, gently of course, in the air by daddy.  She can also sit up by herself.  Kenzie isn't so hot on being tossed.  She tenses up and her arms and legs go out in the shape of an x, she'll by my cautious one.  She loves to jump and stand, especially if she can chew your fingers while you hold her hands.  She does a pretty good job with sitting up inside the boppy (or in her bouncer).
who?  me?  never.
I'll try and get some 6 months pictures this week, and hopefully some in the snow today (it's in the 20's!!!)
We just wanted to say thanks aunt Rochelle for letting us borrow our high chairs!!!  We love them!
We had to start using the trays because they would try and get their toes between bites

seriously!  it's gone again!?
I can do it myself!
We like to eat: rice/oatmeal cereal, prunes, bananas, strawberries, pears, apples, squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans, peas...basically everything but peaches.