Saturday, September 28, 2013

2 months!

We had our 2 month doctor visit today.  Aunt Paula came along for back up because the girls needed to get their 2 month shots.  Poor girls!  But they were troopers.  Check out their sparkly bandaids...

They've also grown quite a bit in the last month; Khloe is now 11lbs 3oz and 23 1/2 inches long...way to go girl!  Kenzie is 8lbs 4oz and 22 1/2 inches...holy moley!  I guess all the eating they do really pays off.  After the doctor I took the girls out to Lamont to celebrate our secretary's birthday.  They fell asleep on the way and slept through the party, the kids gawking over them and the noise.  They've been sleeping all afternoon and into the early evening, I'm hoping this doesn't cut into our night sleep.  So thankful they aren't fussy or in too much pain.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Many forms of sleep

We have struggled over the last month with sleep.  It seems that my so called newborns don't sleep the average 16 hours that most babies sleep.  We go for stroller rides and they are wide eyed (see below) most of the trip or they fall asleep for 10 minutes and then wake up as we head up the driveway.  
This is Kenzie's look most of the day, just taking everything in!
 I've tried to think of ways to trick them into not knowing that we are up to our own house, but I haven't come up with any ideas yet.  Anyways, here are a few moments of peace and quiet, notice none of them are in their crib...

Instead of counting sheep, she plays her air guitar to sleep

They love to sleep on Joe's pillow, the height and firmness is perfect

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

4 weeks old!

We stopped at the neighbors lemonade stand a few weeks ago.  While chatting, I found out that the lady is a photographer and she asked if she could photograph the girls for her portfolio.  Here are a few favorites:

 I promise they are yawning and not screaming.

 This would be why there are only a few pictures of Kenzie...she refused to sleep.  She is definitely our wide eyed child, doesn't want to miss a thing!

You can see the rest at, go to client proofing, khloe and mackenzie and the password is kandm.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Long Nights

We have had a really hard time with night lately!  This is what we look like during the day...

 This is what we look like at night:
So today, we kept them up between the 10 & 1 feedings in hope that they'll sleep better at night.  Well, we kept them up for an hour, and then I took them for a walk to help them fall asleep, but they watched the entire route...wide eyed :)