Saturday, June 28, 2014

Time for the BIG pool

After raining the last week, it was a perfect day to go swimming at nana's pool!  Joe and I had put there feet in the water and they loved their baths, so I figured they would love the pool.  Thankfully their cousin Nicki came to play too!
This is great, don't you think so Khloe!

Hi grampa!

playing peek-a-boo

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Helping mommy instead of napping

So Kenzie has been throwing fits lately at morning naps.  I'm beginning to think that she doesn't want to take them anymore, but I still NEED her too.  Plus, Khloe loves them.  I'm afraid if she doesn't go down at 10/10:30 then she'll be tired around 12/1, which is the time that Khloe wakes up.  We did so good on the same schedule for so long.  This morning, I put her down, she cried...and cried...I never make it more than a few minutes, I'm too much of a sucker.  So I kept her up until now and tried putting her down in her pack'n'play in our room.  No, she isn't sleeping I can still hear her.  Anyways, here is what we did while Khloe slept...unloaded the dishwasher.

Seriously mom, why WOULDN'T you want to hang out with me?
Look how cute I am!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Surprises all around!

As you know from seeing pictures of the girls, Khloe is quite a bit bigger than Kenzie, she has her by about 5 lbs.  However, that doesn't stop Kenzie from thinking she is bigger.  This is usually what their disagreement looks like:
Just because you're taller and heavier and have all the hair doesn't mean you're the big sister!
Yes it does!  Mom, tell her!
Haha, told you so!
It was getting a little old after a while, we figured out how to fix the problem...

Are you kidding me?  I'm outta here!

That's right, the girls will be big sisters, Lord willing, December 17ish.  God is a God of miracles and after 8 years of marriage, one successful IVF procedure, He showed us his power and plan for our little family, baby #3 on the way!  We couldn't be more excited (after the shock wore off of course.)

Monday, June 9, 2014

10 1/2 months and on the move!

I haven't tried to do too many pictures outdoors of the girls lately for a few reasons:
a.  it's hot
Downward facing dog is pretty tough when it's this warm out...
Add caption
b. it's itchy

c. the dog distracts them
Both girls LOVE the dog!  Kenzie has begun calling her...wabuh, wabuh

d. i can't keep them in 1 spot anymore...
Ring around the rosie, pockets full of posies...

But we like to send daddy pictures at work, so I thought I'd give it a go this afternoon.  Happy Monday!

Friday, June 6, 2014

A little air time!

We've had a rough few weeks lately, at least for us.  Kenzie has been fighting a cold/virus for 3 1/2 weeks, both girls are trying to cut their top teeth and diaper rashes have attacked us.  The worst part about it for me, excluding the multiple night wake ups, have been the diaper rashes.  Their poor little buns were almost raw at points.  I had no idea teething could cause such pain!  Our solution, let them air it all out!
dog whisperer...lay down

good dog!
yes, i saved a bite for you
giving kisses back

yeah right!  i ate the whole thing!

Hoping this helps all things heal and we can get back to good night sleeps!