Friday, September 30, 2016

Mommy's going to be so happy...

I can hear a lot of whispering coming from the kitchen right now.  I set the girls up to paint and sat down to watch a chapel from a local high school.  Paint shirts, old table, extra paper, 7 cups of paint, and 15 paint brushes.  Enough supplies to squelch a few fights for 2 minutes or so.  I can see them, so I know they're still in their seats and not painting the rest of my house...which has happened with paintbrushes they've found from on going projects.  Anyways, I hope to post some before and after pictures of the house later today, but until then...

Who, me?  Never.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

And just like that....they all grew up!

We said good bye to all our cribs today.  Kayla was crawling in and out of hers, everyone had the rail taken down like a toddler bed, so I thought, why not.  All 3 got big girl beds today!!!!

To top it off, I only had 1 accident today and stayed dry my whole nap!
I don't need 'big blankie anymore...what?!
I'll put it over there, just in case.

We've had so much going on since we bought our house, I don't have time to keep up with the blog, but I promise to do better.  Kayla is 21 months.  She is starting to talk more and more and I can usually decipher what she's saying.  She can run as fast as her sister, jumps on the full size trampoline, rides a tricycle, is potty training...and doing great!  She's my best eater, my imitator and wins the gold everyday for calling, mom, momma, mommy.  
Khloe is so sweet and tender hearted.  She makes sure her sisters have what they want, even if it means trading her toys so they can have it.  But that doesn't mean she doesn't throw a fit if someone takes something she might be playing with now or in the near future.  She's shy, loves her daddy, her neighbors and her bike.  She loves to sing and make up her own songs.  Don't be fooled by her size, she's my pickiest eater right now. 
Kenzie is a spit fire.  She's quick witted, smart, athletic and loves questions.  She flies up and down the street on her bike or Violet's scooter.  She loves to jump on the trampoline with Molly and can do a front flip...yes, in the air.  She is incredibly inquisitive and loves to learn new long as it doesn't take too long.  She can pump on the swings, jump on and get started by herself and will try anything once.  She's sneaky and is working on not taking things home that aren't hers :)  

Even with the fights and hits and screams, at the end of the day, they're best friends.
Always have one another's back...and pipey.  Love you girls.