Monday, December 11, 2017

Merry Christmas! Part 1

Just wanted to share a few out takes from the family pictures we had taken the other day...
We managed to get 1 that we agreed could be shared this season...
However, for you lucky blog followers, you get to see more.

Daddy and his girls!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Let's be real...

I haven't blogged in a while, ok, forever.  It used to be all cute and fun girls, lollipops and twirls.  It hasn't been lately.  Sure, the girls are cute...

We deposit $20 at a time so we can get lollipops twice a week ;)  not exactly, but I'm sure my bank knows when I roll up through drive through and need a very small amount of cash that we are just there for the lollipop.
Anyways, juggling life, marriage, church, friends all while trying to keep my sanity isn't exactly my strong suit.  Notice I didn't even put cleaning in there.  Today was rough.  Just one of those I'd like to blame PMS kind of days.  My phone was never close enough to hear...or run too.  (tomorrow in my free time i'm making a fanny pack for my phone).  I did make homemade bread this morning with fresh ground wheat!  I promise, the flour remnants are still on the counter.  Ugh!  Anyways, it was a bad day for mom.  Devil 1 Mom 0.  Tomorrow is a new day.  
I've been reading another blog titled "intentional home"
 It's about exactly that.  Being intentional about your home.  I need a place to be kept accountable, so that's where you fit in.  I'm going to try and blog about my progress.  I want to change, need to change.  Not only for me, but because right now, my girls are going to be in the same place at 34 that I am if I don't get things figured out.  So I will try and put up the cute pics now and then, but for the next 7 weeks I'll be blogging on self-improvements.  Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Fireworks...swimming...princesses...birthdays...and zoos!

How is it that July is almost finished!?  We had a great month filled with fun, water and lots of animals and cousins!
Starting with fireworks.  I worked the night they had fireworks downtown, so Joe thought it was a good year to bring the girls to see fireworks for the first time.  And it would've.  However, no one rested/napped that day.  It was HOT and humid.  They didn't start until 10:30.  3 tired toddlers vs 1 daddy.  Maybe next year :)
Some days I get to spend my days with royalty.
Greeted by Anna, Belle, Anna, Super Kayla ;) and Cinderella


My darling Cinderella and her baby
Princess Party!
Happy 4th birthday to my favorite twins!  Four and Fabulous!!!  Khloe is tender hearted.  She likes to color, draw, create forts and have a little adult alone time.  Kenzie is fierce.  Loves hard.  Loses harder.  She likes to be with others, ride her bike, shoot hoops with daddy and play house.

Party #2...
Lewis Farms and Petting Zoo.  Seriously, if you ever get the chance, go!  Best petting zoo ever!  And during the summer, Weds. are BOGO admission.  We love it!

Kayla (2), Winn (5) Khloe (4) Eden (7) Kenzie (4) Witt (3) Finn (6) Addie (8) Wren (5)

Duck races with Gma Jagt!

Lasso them up, cowgirl!

Four and fierce!  Look out boys, she shows no mercy!

Here's the deal...I'll give you a few treats and you tell santa to bring me a few
extra presents this Christmas.  I promise to be as good as I can.
Nope, not your turn yet...

How many can you fit on a swing?

Sunday, May 7, 2017


There were 4 in the bed and the little one said, roll over, roll over.

May God's grace and faithfulness shower you with blessings this Sunday.  
Ps. Blog should become active again next projects are coming to an end!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I knew laundry was done

No wonder i couldnt find clothes for anyone :)  Looks like I'll be binge watching netflix tonight...hope I c a n find something good.
I think this is a record...One more load in the dryer yet
One of thefew things that gets overlooked when you are desperately trying to finish house projects and decide to take a part time job requiring full time orientation!   Almost there. #wewillallbedressedtomorrow

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

One project done...99 to go...

This house.  Oh how I love this house.  We currently have 2 dressers, 3 couches, a full and twin bed in our living room and 3 twin beds in the play room.  We had our upstairs floors refinished so everything had to come down.  It's slightly chaotic.  I can handle most things...but this may have put me over my disorganized top.  On a good note, our mudroom is finished.  I love it!  Kenzie and Kayla helped me find shoes and backpacks and put them in the right locker and then we sorted everyone's hats and mittens.
And of course a few shots of the lovely ladies that live here.

Kayla (2) and Khloe (3 1/2)  

Sunday, January 22, 2017

living outside the times...

So this women's march...I had NO idea it was going on...anywhere.  Am I that out of reality?!