Friday, September 25, 2015

Kayla's 9 month photos!

Oh Kayla, you are full of character!
So, you just want me to stand here and smile?

I'll give you this...
Or this...take your pick.
You love chasing everyone in your walker.  You maneuver corners, hallways and toys perfectly.  You trap your sisters in the bathroom by planting yourself in the doorway and laughing.  You have started pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING!  Now, if you could only learn to sit back down.  You love all foods, except green beans.  We love you very much and can't wait to see where the mischievous sparkle in your eyes leads you.  Love mommy.

I'm done now.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Play-doh fun!

What to do when all 3 have colds and you can't go to Bible study or the gym?  Play-doh!

Happy Thursday!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Well, buh-bye pony tail!

I figured it was about time that I had a little change in the hair department.  Girls night out last night and came home looking like this...12 inches lighter!

Any guesses?

Kenzie says, "Mommy broke..fix it."  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My 9 month trick!

Look what I can do!

  Now I can chase my sisters around without waiting to be put in my walker.  I haven't mastered the step to get out of the living room yet, but it'll come soon.  I have 2 teeth, 2 more on the way.  I love frozen peas, pears, graham crackers, cheerios, and anything I'm not supposed to have.  I sleep great at night!  Naps just aren't really my thing.  Today I learned I can stand up in my crib and pull on my mobile.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yays and Nays...

Yay!!!  Kenzie had her first dry nap with no diaper today!!!  We've had only a handful of accidents in a month!  Khloe went potty today too!!!  Ran to me saying, mommy potty, mommy potty.  Once she decides for herself it's time it'll be wham-bam!  One of the best surprises ever is opening the dishwasher to find that it's already been emptied.  Seriously, my favorite.  It always makes kitchen clean-up so much easier.  Even though I emptied it and then proceeded to remember that little fact, it's always a welcome surprise.
Yay!!!  Kayla starting holding her own's about time!  Only a week shy of 9 months.  Better late than never.  I ran 2.5 miles today in only 23 minutes!  That's HUGE for me!  Found a fantastic chocolate chip cookie recipe...good thing I ran the 2.5 first :)

Now for the nays.  I lost my camera.  I'm pretty sure it was taken out of my car while at the beach.  Such a bummer.  Thankfully, I didn't lose any pictures because I've learned to transfer pics after each outing.  I've lost one to many from a disk with a virus.  My only nay for the day.  Happy friday!  Here are a few oldies but goodies.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Kayla's check up and summer fun!

My sweet, sweet Kayla had her 9 month check up, a little early, today.  It won't take long for her to catch up to Kenzie :)  She rolled in, literally, you should see her arms and thighs!  Now 28 inches long and 20lbs 5oz...woot woot.  She should be crawling any day.  She has mastered her walker, it's the old-fashioned kind with real wheels, that actually moves.  She can manuever down the hallways, around corners, into bathrooms.  This morning she cornered both Khloe and Kenzie in a corner of the bathroom...hahahaha!  However, her favorite activity by far is taking off down the driveway until she hits the slope.  She picks her feet up and sails down the drive.  We put a rope across the drive, which stops her long enough for me to sprint over and grab her as she crosses over.  (Pics to come)

Side note:  These are tally marks for putting Khloe back into bed at nap time..II Way better than last nights 6

After Kayla's Dr. appt we went to the park, got hot and sticky and came home to run in the sprinkler!
Momma, I want drink
I'll take that...
Hope this shows up!