Wednesday, December 14, 2016

When to mop your floors...

I decided it was time to mop my kitchen/dining room floor and scrub my cupboard doors.  They are beautiful hard wood floors and my cupboards are cherry.  How'd I know it was time?  Let my share my theory:
1.  When the number of unknown things stuck to the floor are greater than known spots.
2.  When the chairs stop sliding around the kitchen table
3.  When the dog stops licking things off the floor
4.  When the upper cupboards no longer match the lower cupboards
5.  When the sugar that you spilled a while ago started growing crystals
6.  When you want something for Christmas that you may have already ordered...I'll ask after he sees the floors ;)
7.  Lastly, it's the Survivor finale tonight!!!  If I want 3 hrs of uninterrupted TV time, a little buttering up doesn't hurt.

Just kidding, but in all seriousness, with 3 littles, a dog and winter in full swing, I could mop every day.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Doesn't it look great!  We had such a blast setting it up, going through all my special ornaments that I've gotten over that last 20+ Christmas'.  In fact, the movie Cheaper by the Dozen has a scene that reminds me of this special night...the whole scene is great, but the best part is around 1:35...

The line they cut off at the end is, "even the special tea cup?"  or something close to that.  

Let's be honest, decorating a tree with 2 - 3year olds and an almost 2 year old isn't as pretty as the end result, but we made memories.  I'd guess that I used half a bottle of tacky glue repairing dropped ornaments.  I will be creating ornaments with little tyke company that are super cute but also unbreakable and keeping mine in a box for another 10 years.  I thought about putting them on the top foot of the tree, but I can only imagine them stacking boxes/chairs/stools etc to get to them.  

Merry Christmas to all!