Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Things you forgot to tell the babysitter...

So Monday night Joe and I went out for dinner and hired our first babysitter.  It's one of the perks of living near grandparents.  Anyways, the couple we were going out with set it up for us.  She's from our church, 23 years old, babysits their kids, just real quiet and sweet.  Well, after 23 years, we may have ended her babysitting career in one night.
When you are with your kids day in and day out, you forget the things they do and get into on a daily basis.  I wish I had her 30 second exit when we got home, but I don't, I just have a 30 second replay.
I had picked up the house that afternoon, getting rid of most of Khloe's fascinations.  I show her the toy room, where Kayla should go down for bed and left her my phone number.

I may have forgotten to mention that Khloe loves to be pants-less and 'wear' mom's make-up.  Or that Kayla won't go to sleep if she cries for more than 45 seconds.  You just get her up and try again in 5 minutes, spoiled?  No, just last baby syndrome.  And, if you are ready to pull your hair out, just put on Little Einsteins and all will be well.

So, the 30 second exit.  I had called her before we left the restaurant letting her know we were on our way.  She said no problem, the girls were watching and Einstein show.  I walked in the door, she jumped from her chair, grabbed her bag, grabbed her check, and let me know that Kayla just went down (an hr and a half after bedtime) with the lights on.  I respond with, "Not a problem, at least Khloe has pants on."  She half laughs, "yeah, I just put those back on.  And I washed your make up brush, Khloe got into it."  Slips on her shoes and she's out.  Poor girl.  I'll have to apologize some day, but for now I'll just smile.  And as for the make-up, Khloe painted with toothpaste.

Life with 3, 2 years and under...

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