Like I said last week, I was going to focus on the twins this week. We went to the dr. today for their 18 month check ups. At 19 months Khloe weighs 31 lbs and is 2'10 1/2". Kenzie comes in at 23.6 lbs and 2'7" tall, we are pretty sure she lost a few pounds being sick the last 2 weeks, but she is the petite one. They are really getting to a fun age! Khloe loves to talk, she wakes up from naps and nighttime just babbling away. She says juice, please, doggie and will try and mimic most things we say. Kenzie doesn't talk quite as much, but she can hold her own. She can clearly say momma and bye-bye, but everything else starts with a b. Maddie sounds like bad and the rest is incomprehensible. They love blocks! Khloe's fine motor skills are really good and she can build quite a tall tower. Kenzie is getting better every day. Both are great at knocking them down.
Mom, you need new shapes for me, I've totally mastered circle, square and triangle! |
They are also great eaters! Some days they even help with dinner :)
Look mom, I can be just like Maddie! |
You want ME to eat THAT? I think Maddie would like it better. |
"smile" |
Helping mom get dinner ready:
mixer, check! |
blender, check! |
licking the beater, check! |
I'm just cute...I can't help that :) |
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