Yes dad, you read that right, you raised a genius! Let me explain...
We have decided to purchase a family membership at the YMCA. It allows me to get out of the house, which is needed in this weather and the girls get a little socializing in at the same time. Since everyone woke up early from afternoon naps today, I thought it might be a good time for us to go and sign up, play and let me start working out a bit. Only problem being, I have 2 hands, 2 toddlers, a baby carrier and diaper bag that need to come in with me. I got everyone unbuckled, put Kayla's carrier on the floor, got both girls out of the van, held Khloe's hand and had Kenzie try and hold Khloe's other hand. The girls did great! We made it into the building and to the kid zone in one piece...happy momma!
I got all the paper work filled out, walked on the treadmill for a bit, used some other elliptical type machine and got ready to pick up the girls and reverse the above paragraph. Hahaha, didn't quite happen as easily in reverse.
1. On the way in, it was all new and they were cautious.
2. On the way out, they thought they owned the place. Trying to get boots, coats, hats on both was a challenge. In fact, so challenging that after watching me run one way, then the other, sit the girls on a chair, squirm off, move Kayla 5 feet, put her back down, chase Khloe, a worker at the front desk said, "I couldn't watch you any longer and not do anything to help." It was rather humorous and I'm pretty sure that my caloric output doubled from what I burned in my workout, I had to figure out a way to get from A to B and back again with all 3.
Ta-da! |
I could have bought a backpack leash, but then I'd still have to get arms through straps or buckle clips, I don't have time for that. I took one of Joe's old ties sewed a little handle on top for me, took the wide part of the tie, cut up the middle, sewed the edges, cut a little slit at each end and made slip knots! Now I can carry Kayla in one arm with the diaper bag, slip a wrist from each girl in and go. Genius! We are going to try it out in the morning.