I was getting their dinner warmed up and I turned around to find her toy cupboard being filled up with pop cans. She was stacking them neatly on top of the Little People house. I just LOVE this girl!
On a different note, the girls personalities have really begun to show. Khloe is definitely my little explorer. She has emptied most drawers, cupboards, shelves, toy bins...basically anything she can get her sticky hands on. Kenzie usually follows her and tries shutting the cupboard doors, picking up what is taken out and hiding it or copying Khloe.
There is nothing but love between these two. This past week, if one of them is crying the other will bring a pacifier or blankie to try and help. It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Hoping to get it on video soon. They also share incredibly well with one another. If one has a toy that the other one wants, I always make her wait her turn. But if I say that we have to share with our sister, they will offer up toys, snacks, pipes, etc.
Here they are at 14 months:
The dog gets more than her share of love too! |
Playing ball with Maddie |
Patiently waiting for Khloe to get the ball out of the box |
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