Thursday, September 25, 2014


One of Khloe's favorite drawers to get into is the pop drawer.  In the past, she has always taken out 1 or 2 and just walked around with them.  However, today was a different story...

I was getting their dinner warmed up and I turned around to find her toy cupboard being filled up with pop cans.  She was stacking them neatly on top of the Little People house.  I just LOVE this girl!

On a different note, the girls personalities have really begun to show.  Khloe is definitely my little explorer.  She has emptied most drawers, cupboards, shelves, toy bins...basically anything she can get her sticky hands on.  Kenzie usually follows her and tries shutting the cupboard doors, picking up what is taken out and hiding it or copying Khloe.

There is nothing but love between these two.  This past week, if one of them is crying the other will bring a pacifier or blankie to try and help.  It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  Hoping to get it on video soon.  They also share incredibly well with one another.  If one has a toy that the other one wants, I always make her wait her turn.  But if I say that we have to share with our sister, they will offer up toys, snacks, pipes, etc.

Here they are at 14 months:

The dog gets more than her share of love too!
Playing ball with Maddie

Patiently waiting for Khloe to get the ball out of the box

Sunday, September 14, 2014

I think fall is here to stay!

And that's ok with me.  The golf season is winding down, the basketball season is just beginning, but best of all, it's time for new clothes!  This was my favorite outfit I had picked out for the girls this past spring.  Thankfully we should be able to wear it a few more times.  Kenzie was not into picture taking today...

It's my turn, stay out of my picture!
Stop it!  You don't like headbands anyways!
Can't I just play with Maddie?
There, is this good enough?
Whatever, I'm through.
Khloe on the other hand was all about it!

on...look, no hands!
On...and smiling!  I just can't get enough of this face!

And this is why Khloe never wears headbands :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A few thoughts...

I had some great memories this morning of tinkering in my grandpa groelsma's basement with him.  It all started when I decided it was time to mop the floor again.  I have a Shark steam mop that I love.  It's fairly easy to push and the floors always a smooth and clean for the 15 minutes before the girls get up from naps.  However, this morning it wouldn't steam.  I know my water has minerals in it and I'm sure they are clogging something up.  So after the girls are in bed tonight I will take it apart and see what I can find.  I can't do any more damage to it, it doesn't steam any longer.  My grandpa was a fix-it man, same with my dad.  But I can remember working in the basement with grandpa on several things, my favorite tool of his was the hand drill.  I hope my girls will have fond memories like those some day too.  As for the mop, I feel like I have pretty good odds.  I fixed my 1st sewing machine, as well as my 2nd.  I've completely taken apart my vacuum and put it back together using all the parts, so I feel like I've got somethings going for me...I know dad, I should stop while I'm ahead.  I'll let you know how it goes later.

While I dream about taking apart my mop, my girls and I enjoyed the beautiful weather today.

I wish you could hear her giggling!

Kenzie had more fun circling the pool and tasting the water.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

New shoes!

I took the girls with me to run a couple errands today and stop in to visit daddy.  It's always exhausting, but I know they love getting out and riding in the shopping cart and seeing new people/sights and of course, seeing daddy!  But my favorite part of the day, Khloe walked holding my hand all the across the parking lot at Aldi!!!!  That means I only had to carry Kenzie (only b/c her shoes are still a little big) and I didn't have to run and get a cart first leaving my girls in the car.  Yay for small steps!!

When we got home I just couldn't resist snapping a few pictures in their adorable outfits+ruffly socks and shoes!

She tried eating it and thought she was absolutely hilarious...must take after mommy

who, me?  nope, I didn't pull that flower off

They are loving their new-found am I!

And I thought the dog was annoying when she followed me around,
this thing hasn't left my side all afternoon!

But I don't want to go inside!