As you know from seeing pictures of the girls, Khloe is quite a bit bigger than Kenzie, she has her by about 5 lbs. However, that doesn't stop Kenzie from thinking she is bigger. This is usually what their disagreement looks like:
Just because you're taller and heavier and have all the hair doesn't mean you're the big sister! |
Yes it does! Mom, tell her! |
Haha, told you so!
It was getting a little old after a while, we figured out how to fix the problem...
Are you kidding me? I'm outta here! |
That's right, the girls will be big sisters, Lord willing, December 17ish. God is a God of miracles and after 8 years of marriage, one successful IVF procedure, He showed us his power and plan for our little family, baby #3 on the way! We couldn't be more excited (after the shock wore off of course.)
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