When my girls hit 4 months, the first thing I asked their Dr. was...when can they start eating solid foods? He told me Khloe could start with some rice cereal and I could try Kenzie in a couple of weeks. Khloe didn't enjoy it too much the first week. I added a little sugar and made sure it stayed warm and down it went. Everytime I fed Khloe, I'd try giving a little to Kenzie. Not going to have it...any of it. So when it was time for Khloe to start veggies and she cringed and spit it back at me :) I thought, why not. Kenzie LOVED them!! She'd eat green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes. Now, she also can put down her own bowl of cereal in the mornings.
But, hands down, the favorite so far is squash!
As you can see, personalities are shown on the bibs :) Khloe takes a bite, then eats her hand, her bib, her toes, anything she can get in her mouth before the next spoonful. Kenzie on the other hand is the cleanest eater ever!
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