Winter weather has been pretty scarce this year. Basically not much snow. But when we've gotten a little we've headed outside. I just couldn't resist sweet Kayla in all her pink!
We built our second snowman of the year and even enlisted aunt Kimmie's help. Kenzie's proves to be a supervisor more than worker, but we made it happen.
Oh, this arm? No, I'll just keep it. |
Peek! |
Warming up after playing outdoors! Love my babies and their babies :)
We also made our first trip to the library. The girls are getting back into books and I love listening to Khloe retell stories. She loves reading to her baby and to baby Kayla.
Yes, this really it hasn't happened again. |
Asking 'Kaya' which book she wants to hear. |
Khloe's favorite Bible story...Saul, Daniel, David, Leah, Moses, Noah, Abraham... She could sit all day and have me repeat the names :) |
And just when you thought you had everything put away so you could quick take Maddie out, Khloe thought she would simplify seasoning dinner. Oh happy days!
Mom, that's left over. |