Crazy how fast time flies, the girls are now 16 months old...and crazy! Their personalities are definitely coming through and in just 3 short weeks they'll be big sisters. Sometimes I'm still shocked when I look down and see my massive (just ask my mom :) growing belly. Even though I'm told that I'm certainly not as big as I was with the girls, I don't feel that way at all. Just thankful I don't have pictures or measurements to compare. I'm still going with a boy.
As for the girls, they love cupboards, drawers, the washer and dryer, emptying tubs, playing in the toilet (not that I let them, they just seem to know when the door is left open), 'decluttering' my shower, and climbing on anything and throwing things into the tub. Kenzie loves lights, standing in her high chair, putting random things in cupboards and drawers, the dog, playing hide and seek and eating off daddy's plate. Khloe loves to open cupboards and empty them, pull things off the counters b/c she's tall enough, dump out kid snacks for the dog, playing the piano and her blankie.
Today, is day 1 of switching to afternoon naps. We used to go down at 10:30, then I had it pushed back to 11:30 and they slept great! But that also left lunch to be had around 2pm. So I took them outside to play, we came in, had lunch and then it was down to nap (so far it's been an hour). Maddie was trying to teach them how it all works :)
Out and about today...
Heading towards the neighbor's house...they have huge nutcrackers and fun looking penguins... |
It's ok mom, I'm sure they won't mind... |
I think we need one of these at our house mom... |
She wasn't very happy that I made her leave the penguin at the neighbors |
Yes, that pink little spot is Kenzie, well I was rounding up Khloe and bringing her in, Kenzie took that opportunity to explore. |
Seriously, what's the big deal? I looked both ways before climbing off the curb. I can't help it that you can't run right now :) |