Friday, August 22, 2014

It's a dog life...

I know I've been blowing up my blog lately, but the girls are hilarious at this stage.  They talk all the time, walk all over and love sharing with the dog.  I would facebook these, but they are way better when I can put them in succession.  So, here you go...
It's so fun in here, come join us!
 Round 1:  Purse snatching
Got it back!
 Kenzie originally had the purse.  She brought it to Khloe, who of course tried to take it.  Kenzie got it back and took off...round and round around Khloe.  Gloating and laughing that she had the purse.
Na-na-na-na-na...I got the purse

Pride cometh before the fall...she hasn't learned that one yet

Concentrating is always easier with the tongue out

Mine, all mine.

Round 2: Desserts for all after lunch
Even Maddie got an after lunch treat today, but...
...she thought Khloe's banana cracker looked tastier.
Just one bite, that's all I want...come on...please.

As you can see, Khloe watches TV like daddy, not even noticing the dog drooling.
Seriously, it can't be gone.
Here Mads, you can lick up the crumbs.
Round 3: baby love

Giving kisses, I promise I'm not trying to eat the baby...
Have a great day, from our living room to yours!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

i got this!

...and we have a climber, life just got a little more fun!

What's up?   No, I don't need any help.  I'll do this myself.

She's getting SO big!

I couldn't resist a picture of Khloe looking super cute in her new shoes!  She does fairly well walking in them too.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Singing in the rain...oh we're singing in the rain...

Just a little video to make you smile!  

I couldn't help it, they were having so much fun on this side of the screen, I just knew they would LOVE to be out in it...
 Best part was, after I dried them off and warmed them up, they went right down for afternoon naps! 
Happy Tuesday!

Friday, August 15, 2014


Khloe was in the kitchen with me, but Kenzie was being far too quiet.  Meaning...she was up to no good.  Sure enough, she found the peaches:
I bet this will fit in that hole...

Who, me?  Never, I was getting this for you.  I love you mom!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

First family vacay...sneak peek

Last week we had our first family vacation with the girls.  Last year I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with them :)  We had a blast and they were certainly rock stars!  I was a little concerned about how they would do sleep in a different environment and in their pack-and-plays, but they took 2 naps a day 1 1/2-2 hrs and slept fairly well at night.  We had incredible weather 75-80 and sunny all week!  Joe and I both thought that they would be walking by the end of the week (they have 2 cousins that are 18mo and 16mo to copy) but with hard wood floors and socks it was a little difficult. Now that we are home, they are starting to walk from furniture to furniture and Kenzie will stand up on her own and walk to me.  But that's a whole 'nother post.  In total we had 9 kids (7 of them 5 and under), 12 adults, and 3 large dogs.
Just checking out the surroundings and figuring out what we can get into

Come on Khloe...let's make a run for it!

Family dinner

frog hunting with cousins

Great-grandma VJ and great-grandpa Bill

Cousin time, Lena (18mo), Eden (3yrs), Khloe, Addie (5yrs)